【New Event Share】The14th Asia Financial Forum ()

Co-organized by the HKSAR ETO and the HKTDC, the 14th Asia Financial Forum (AFF) will be held on 18-19 January 2021 in Hong Kong. Integrated both physical and virtual platforms, the theme for this year’s AFF is Reshaping World Economic Landscape. Specially Includes Fintech Showcase, FintechHK Startup Salon, Deal Flow Matchmaking Session, InnoVenture Salon, and Global Investment Zone, that optimizes your global financial vision and exposes business opportunities for you in this crucial time! For further information about the AFF please

緬甸最低工資 Minimum Wage for Myanmar ()

Minimum Wage for Myanmar Myanmar has set a minimum wage of 3,600 kyat ($2.80) for an eight-hour work day, a move likely to boost investment in the fast-growing country’s garment industry. The decision on a minimum wage, which follows two years of often acrimonious debate between garment factory owners and labor unions, was announced on Saturday. Myanmar’s government has targeted garments for rapid growth, and Saturday’s statement may help spur this, as it gives clarity on the law and labor costs

2015年1月21日「紡衣業投資緬甸的機遇與挑戰」研討會 ()

香港貿發局與香港緬甸工商協會於2015年1月21日合辦了「紡衣業投資緬甸的機遇與挑戰」研討會。當日講者分享了有關緬甸的投資信息及設廠情況,現場並設有答問環節。業界透過是次研討會,對有關紡衣業在緬甸投資的環境狀況得到更多了解。 現附上活動通告及資料,歡迎各業界朋友參閱。